Notice for Baiduri Prestige members
From 15 June 2024, we will be introducing new tariff for Baiduri Prestige members who no longer meet the eligibility criteria but wish to maintain the membership

Progression In Wealth

More than simply preserving your wealth, we take the necessary steps to optimise your portfolio's growth through a comprehensive, strategic approach based on information, investment, savings and protection - all on the back of your Relationship Manager's professional expertise.

Your Wealth Solution

  • Receive investment advice on which wealth instrument best suits your risk appetite and investment horizon through our risk profiling and gap analysis.
  • Map out your short-term and long-term financial needs.

Investment Portfolio

Investment portfolio (range of investment products offered by Baiduri Bank and through our subsidiary Baiduri Capital).

Assemble a balanced portfolio geared towards your specific requirements:

  • Unit Trust
  • Securities Trading
  • Exchange Traded Fund
  • Bonds
  • Foreign Currency Deposit

Insurance Planning

Safeguard your personal empire through a range of insurance plans from investment linked to term insurance. These provide enhanced assurance and legacy planning in partnership with well-established insurance companies.

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