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15 June 2023

Baiduri Bank successfully hosted its inaugural Workplace Wellness Forum at the Baiduri Community Space, Baiduri Bank Headquarters yesterday, marking a significant milestone as the first public-private initiative of its kind.

The Baiduri Workplace Wellness Forum is a collaboration between Baiduri Bank and the Ministry of Health, highlighting their joint commitment to building a healthy and prosperous nation, which aligns with Goal 2 (High Quality of Life) of Brunei's National Vision Wawasan 2035 and the Brunei Darussalam Mental Health Action Plan 2022-2025.

Health professionals from the Health Promotion Centre (HPC), Clinical Psychology Department of the Ministry of Health (MOH), Pantai Jerudong Specialist Centre (PJSC), and Clarity Brunei formed the speaker panel, discussing a range of topics including mental health, maintaining a balanced diet, as well as preventative and management strategies to combat chronic diseases.

In his opening remarks, Pg Azaleen Pg Dato Hj Mustapha, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Business Development of Baiduri Bank, said, “In 2020, we launched the Employee Wellness Initiative (EWI), centered on four fundamental pillars: mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial health. This forum stands as a testament to the Bank’s commitment in cultivating a positive work environment, and we hope to inspire other organisations to prioritise the implementation of wellness initiatives.”

Dr Hilda Ho, Head of Psychiatric Services at MOH and mental health panelist at the forum, commended Baiduri Bank's initiative to prioritise employee wellness, stating it demonstrates their understanding of the profound influence work culture has on the overall performance of an organisation.

During the panel discussion, HPC, Baiduri Bank’s wellness partner, shed light on their recently launched ‘Reduce Salt’ programme dedicated to raising awareness on healthier dietary choices, and the ‘Healthier Choice Logo (HCL)’ initiative to advocate for healthier food options that meet the Brunei Nutrient Criteria.

The event also featured a session led by expert advisors from Actxa Wellness Singapore on kickstarting a transformative wellness journey, alongside a special demonstration on healthy meal preparation by Seven Sporks.

The event concluded with participants joining a variety of wellness and fitness activities guided by instructors from Soul Industry.

For more information on Baiduri Bank, visit, follow the Bank’s social media accounts or call its 24-hour Customer Helpline at 244 9666.

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Important update
19 September 2023

We would like to inform you that with effect from 31 October 2023, Business i-Banking service will no longer be operational, and this will be replaced with our new Baiduri b.Digital Business service.

If your company has not transitioned to b.Digital Business, please ensure that every existing user provides the following by 8 October 2023 through the Business i-Banking Inbox:
  • User’s full name
  • User’s valid Identification Card (IC) or Passport
  • User’s mobile number
  • User's company assigned email address (General company email is not accepted e.g., [email protected])

Alternatively, you can complete the b.Digital Business Amendment Form and submit the form(s) directly to Baiduri Digital Hub, Ground Level, Baiduri Bank Headquarters.

Every user will receive a notification email at their registered email address, once they have been migrated and activated on the b.Digital Business service.

Companies who have not moved to b.Digital Business after 31 October 2023 can re-apply as a new subscriber to the b.Digital Business service. This will require additional documentations to be submitted as part of the application. Refer “Required Documents” here.

Important notice: Our Business i-Banking service will be deactivated soon. To ensure continued access and a smooth transition to the new Baiduri b.Digital Business, please provide your full name, IC, email address and mobile number via Business i-Banking Inbox. If we do not receive updated details from all authorised users, your company will not be migrated to the new platform and a fresh application will be required. For assistance, contact us at [email protected] or call 2268 637/8/9 during business hours. Thank you for your cooperation.

To strengthen our online security measures, effective 8 January 2024, we will introduce the cooling period feature on our Baiduri b.Digital Personal web and mobile app to prevent unauthorised access.

Click here for more information.

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